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Unique Yet Helpful Estate Planning Tips

Estate planning is it something that we like to consider. Essentially, we are planning for what happens in the event of our death. However, it's important to make plans for your assets and financials when it comes to taking care of your loved ones after you're gone. Our probate lawyer in Cary NC is here to talk about these things.

Uncommon Estate Planning Tips | Probate Lawyer Cary NC

There are several unique yet helpful tips we are here to offer you today. These estate planning tips will hopefully help you when it comes to ensuring your loved ones are cared for after you passed.
Even worse than estate planning, planning a funeral is scary and overwhelming. However, having a pre-planned, prepaid funeral can be extremely thoughtful and helpful in your passing. Consider your loved ones. They will be devastated. Having a pre-paid and preplanned funeral will be one last way to show them your love and gratitude.
You can proceed with purchasing everything that's needed for the funeral service, as well as at the burial site. You can even plan the entire funeral. Of course, having your loved ones input might be a good idea, but you can do this on your own, as well.
If you have a revocable trust, it's important to consider setting up a committee to manage it. Because a revocable trust covers assets while you're alive, it's different than the will. A revocable trust is a great option for many people. However, designating a committee in the event that you are incapacitated is a great way to further plan.
Having a committee in place will help in terms of court dealings when guardianship comes in to play in the event that you are incapacitated on a level that affects your mental capacity.
We hope this information helps you think outside the box a little when it comes to a state planning and securing your future, as well as your loved ones. If you need help with any of these tips, be sure to contact our lawyer. We are here to help you when you need it.
Also, be sure to visit with our next blog post. There, you'll find more tips on how to plan your estate while keeping uncommon aspects of life in mind.

Eldreth Law Firm | Probate Lawyer Cary NC

If you don’t have an estate plan in place or haven’t reviewed yours in several years, now might be the best time to start. Our estate lawyer is here to help you get your estate planning in order and ready should you pass in an untimely manner or become incapacitated at some point. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to an estate plan. Contact our probate lawyer in Cary NC to get started estate planning, today.

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